Copyright Steven Vaggalis 2021

The Gospel Story | Peter Walks on Water with Jesus – Matthew 14

Gospel Story | Do You Love Creation More than You Love the Creator? Mark 10

The Gospel Story | Journey to the Cross – Jesus is Crucified

The Gospel Story | Journey to the Cross – The Last Supper

Proverbs 1 | The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge

The Gospel Story | Woman Caught in Adultery – John 8

The Gospel Story | Journey to the Cross – Death and Burial of Jesus

The Gospel Story | In the Beginning was the Word – John 1

2 Corinthians 13 | Live as God has Called You

The Gospel Story | Mary, the Mother of Christ – Luke 1

The Gospel Story | When Will Christ Return? Matthew 24

The Gospel Story | Jesus Appears to Two Disciples – Luke 24

The Gospel Story | God is at Work in Your Life – John 15

Acts 2 | What is the Day of Pentecost All About?

The Gospel Story | Giving With a Good Heart – Matthew 6

The Gospel Story | The Death of John the Baptist – Matthew 14

The Gospel Story | Journey to the Cross - Gethsemane

James 1 | Find Joy in Your Hardships

Acts 9 | The Transition from Saul to Paul

1 Corinthians 11 | What is a Woman’s Role in the Church?

The Gospel Story | What Does Jesus say about Divorce? Matthew 5

The Gospel Story | Jesus and Nicodemus – John 3

Proverbs 20 | Drunkenness is a Sin